About Achivements

CONSULTATION MEETING WITH CRS & CARITAS INDIA-13th February, 2016 / Sewa Kendra, Patna

Programme Objective : Planning of Forum's future activities Participants : DSSS Directors and partners. ACHIEVEMENTS : FSI AND DSSS Partners discussed and finalized on the three common activities for FSI for the period of Feb-Sept 2016 1. Social Audit of DSSS's Child Protection policies 2. Awareness Campaign on Bihar Panchayati Raj Election 3. Preparation of training module for field staff & CBO/SHG leaders on Gender violence (Violence against women)


Programme Objective: To orient Field staff on PRI system in Bihar and Strategic planning for Community mobilisation, participation and winning strategy in Bihar Panchayat Election, Apr'16. Participants: 38 Project coordinators/supervisors from Dioceses Resource Person : Mr. Raj Kumar Paswan (DPM, Gram Swarajya Samiti, Deptt. of Panchayati Raj) IMPORTANT TOPICS /ISSUES DISCUSSED: Background of PRI in India & Bihar (73rd Amendment act, etc.) Various provisions of Bihar panchayati Raj Act, 2006 Focused Strategy on whole electorates; Ballot papers; etc. RESULT / OUTCOMES: - Most of the Participants knew first time about the colours of 6 types of ballot papers for Mukhiya, Panchayat samiti, Panch, Sarpanch, Pramukh & Zila Parishad. Some specific techniques/strategies were discussed and planned for target community mobilisation & innovative strategy for winning the election.


Programme Objective: To orient and train Sr. Health In-charges and health workers on preparation of herbal med. effective in treatment of Malaria & tonic for women health. Participants: 34 Health Sisters and Health workers from 3 Dioceses. Resource Person: Ms. (Germany) & Sr. Jessy, SND ACHIEVEMENTS: The participants learned the theoretical knowledge and practical use of Artemisia Annua plant. Malaria a potential problem in Bihar Advantage of Herbal medicine over Allopathic treatment Treatment with Artemisia Annua The specification of Artemisia & other useful herbal plants The preparation of herbal tea for Malaria treatment and herbal ointment.

LAUNCHING & ORIENTATION on "CHT" (Combating Human Trafficking) Project (19th Feb, 2016 / At - Sewa Kendra, Patna)

Programme Objective: To orient and capacitate the project staff on the concept of Myths and Gender power relation in Bihar. Participants: 33 Persons including Rev. Fr. Directors of Dioceses. Inauguration By : Most Rev. Archbishop William D'Souza Resource Person: Mrs. Seema (Ex-Prof., Patna University) GOAL OF THE PROJECT: To eliminate child labor and human trafficking by enabling (vulnerable) communities to shape their life in enabling environment to exercise sustained freedom and citizenship rights. Project areas: 90 Villages of 6 Districts in 6 Dioceses. **Inaugurating the Project, Most rev. Archbishop called the project staff to address the human trafficking problem at base level and asked to work for effective combat of Human Trafficking through preventive awareness and capacity building of vulnerable families, esp. Women, Adolescent Girls and Child labour. Vital Components: Awareness Building in the village community Capacity Building Trainings ELSD (Education and Life Skill Development) Centers ('Hamari Jeevanshala') in project villages CVGs (Community Vigilance Group) in Project villages Interface meeting with Govt. and other Stakeholders Project Support Agency: MISEREOR, GERMANY

Training of Project Staff on Formation & Nurturing of Community Vigilance Group (19-20th April, 2016 / At - Sewa Kendra, Patna)

Programme Objective: To train the Project staff about key concept, steps and essentials to form and function of the Community Vigilance Groups in villages. Participants : 25 Project staff from 6 Dioceses. ACHIEVEMENTS: Participants Knowledge concept & Learning ingredients: WHAT IS CVG - a community monitoring intervention for Prevention of Human Trafficking and a platform for spreading the awareness in the community on the issue of human or child trafficking. WHY CVGs - an important tool in preventing trafficking among the vulnerable communities, particularly women, children and adolescent girls. It is an effective monitoring and interception system at the community level, created by the community itself. OBJECTIVES OF CVG What is ORGANIZATION - Types - FORMAL & INFORMAL Essential Elements of a Social ORGANIZATION The difference b/w SOCIETY & SHG / CBO CVG as a community organization - Constitution CVG - ACTIVITIES Interface meeting of CVGs with Govt. and other stakeholders; etc.

Training on Fundamental Right under Indian Constitution (21th April, 2016 / At - Sewa Kendra, Patna)

Programme Objective: To acquaint and develop the Concept and knowledge about Indian Constitution, especially on Fundamental Rights. Participants : 53 Coordinators, Supervisors from 6 Dioceses. Resource Person: Fr. Peter Ladis (Advocate, Patna High Court) Training Contents: What is Human Rights Why Human Rights is important in Modern World li>Indian Constitution Important Chapters of Constitution Fundamental Rights Directive Principles Other Provisions.

Community Health Global Network (CHGN) Introductory Meeting with FBOs in Bihar (17th May, 2016 / At - Sewa Kendra, Patna)

Programme Objective: To discuss the Vision, Purpose, Approach and History of CHGN; and formulate the strategies for establishment of CHGN Bihar Cluster. Participants :34 FBOs In-Charges and Health Coordinators. Facilitators: Mr. Abraham Dennyson (Unit Manager, Justice and Care) & Mr. Robert Kumar (Deputy Director, Emmanuel Hospital Association) Achievements: Decisions: I. It decided to establish the CHGN Bihar cluster with the group of Faith based Organisations (FBOs) II. An 11-membered Core Group was formed :- Fr. Amal Raj (Forum for Social Initiatives) - Convenor Mr. Abraham Dennyson (Justice and Care) - Secretary Sr. Jackulin Jesu (Kurji Holy Family Hospital) - Treasurer 8 Members Sr. M Elise (FSS) - Member Dr. Narottam Pradhan (Care) - Member Mr. Priya Ranjan (World Vision) - Member Dr. Vandana (Duncan Hospital ) - Member Dr Pradeep Ninan (Madhepura Christian Hopital) - Member Mr. Devesh H Lal (VIVA) - Member Ps. Sebastian Joseph (Evangelical Church of India) - Member Sr. Kusum (Arunalaya Health Centre) - Member III. It decided to launch the CHGN in Bihar on 30th July, 2016 and the core group has to take the responsibility of the event.

Training of Project Staff on Education Learning & Life Skill (30-31th May, 2016 / At - Sewa Kendra, Patna)

Programme Objective: to familiarize the Project staff with the new and innovative tools and methods to teach the out of school or drop out or school going children who are not improving. Participants : 25 Project staff from 6 Dioceses Resource persons: Mr. Manoj Jha (Ex. DPM, UNICEF); 2. Mr. Girish Peter; 3. Mr. Sanjeev Kumar Training Methodologies: Lectures, Group discussion, Group Exercises & PPTs Achievements: The participants knew about the following knowledge concept: The purpose of setting up ELSD (Education and Life Skill Development) Centers Improvement in Academic learning - Why, Whom & How? The difference b/w Traditional learning and modern teaching Why girl education is so important What is Skill & Types of skills What is Life Skill The importance of education and Life Skill in minimizing the risk of child trafficking; etc.