Forum for Social Initiatives (FSI) -
The AGBM of FSI was organized on 15th December, 2014 at Sewa Kendra, Patna. Most Rev. Archbishop William D' Souza S.J Archbishop of Patna and the Chairman of the Forum for Social Initiatives; Rt. Rev. Sebastian Kallupura Bishop of Buxar and the Chairman of Socio Economic Development Commission Bihar Region; Rt. Rev. Kurian Valiyakandathil, Bishop of Bhagalpur; Rt. Rev. Cajetan Francis, Bishop of Muzaffarpur; Very Rev. Fr. Lawrence Paschal, Administrator of Bettiah along with DSSS Directors, major superiors and their representatives participated in it. It was participated by 59 participants from 6 Dioceses.... AGENDA: PPT Presentation of combine reports of six dioceses Appraisal and experts view of Resource Person on activities of FSI and Dioceses partners Presentation of FSI Annual Report and Financial report of previous year Selection of news members of Governing Body Appointment of Auditor.
A workshop on JEEVIA-NRLM was organized by FSI (Forum for Social Initiatives) at Sewa Kendra, Patna on 25th August, 2012. This workshop was organized vying the need of FSI Diocesan partners on the changing scenario of functioning of existing SHGs and further formation and strengthening of new SHGs after coming of NRLM. The workshop was facilitated by two resource persons from Mr. Pushpendra and Mr. Appolo Purti from JEEVIKA / BRLPS, presently known as Bihar Rural Livelihoods Promotion Society-Cum-State Rural Livelihoods Mission (BRLPS-cum-SRLM). It was attended by Father and Sisters from 6 Diocese partner organizations of FSI. The meeting was also attended by working professionals in SHG projects in different DSSSs. The Workshop was guided by Fr. Prakash Louis and Sr. Sudha Varghese and presided by the Director of FSI, Fr. Amal Raj S. There were 68 participants from 6 Dioceses of Bihar, who actively participated and made the workshop meaningfully discussed and getting the platform set for further co-operation with BRLPS-cum-SRLM.
STRATEGIC PLAN MEETING OF FSI (29-30th January, 2014) -
The Key note address was made by the Most Rev. Archbishop William D' Souza. The Archbishop as the Chairman of the FSI, welcomed Mr. Munish, and respected Sisters and Fathers. Main points of Key-note address: He wants to feel THE warmth of each one participating to make the event revisited and fruitful. Now more focused in goals to be achieved Each year in AGBM looked upon the thrust areas and grappled with the success and challenges in terms of RTH, RTE, Right to Human Rights and Right to Land, etc. Something has been done and we have to take stock of that and to see further growth to achieve the noble mission for the poor. We need to work together, we are doing individually and in segments, but united we can do big things. For example, the impending problem of clinical staff due to the recent Act in Bihar. Need to analyse and see the shortcomings, and adopt new way of proceedings by effective collaboration with 6 Dioceses and for this the SPP should be more focused to be achieved in next 5 years for the betterment of society. AGENDA: 1 Common understanding of Strategic Planning 2 Stock taking of previous SP - status, reasons for achievements and non-achievements 3 SWOT of Bihar forum 4 Check list - identification of 'areas' for SP 5 Process for developing SP 6 Selection of Core group.
Common understanding of Strategic Planning -
*What is 'Strategic Planning' - meaning, definition, discussion, doubts and clarification ANeed and Capacities BHardware and software of SPP (Strategic Perspective Plan) CWhen revisiting, both the positive and negative sides of each issue should be equally discussed. DTo include Church org only or non-church organizations also. EPlanning of strategic issues, i.e., planning of issues that are of strategic importance FImportance of Indicators and why the Funders asks for Indicators now GScenario changing, so review needed for SPP HTwo types of Stakeholders ISome Donor agencies now require copy of SPP along with the Project JSuccessful SPP brings people together, fosters successful communication and improves the process of people working together as it creates a forum for understanding why the organization exists and the shared values.